Meet the Lotterleben—a German gem that technically means «a life of misery» or «hardship,» but let’s not let the dictionary ruin our fun. Picture it instead as a slapstick comedy starring you: no laugh track, just spilled coffee, misplaced keys, and the universe giggling at your expense.
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Humanity Isn’t Ready Yet: Why Colonizing Mars is Pure Science Fiction
«Misdirection. False signals. Spreading confusion. This is the Tao of deception.» David Ignatius
There have been some pretty wild ideas throughout American history, some of which were dreamt up by presidents who were ahead of their time or, at times, just completely out there.
Continue reading Humanity Isn’t Ready Yet: Why Colonizing Mars is Pure Science FictionWhen the Corn Was Threshed the Thalysia Was Celebrated
In ancient Greek culture, Thalysia was a harvest festival held in honor of the god Apollo, typically celebrated during the month of Pyanepsion, which corresponds roughly to October or November in the modern Gregorian calendar.
Continue reading When the Corn Was Threshed the Thalysia Was CelebratedScents of the Bible
Incense has played a significant role in spirituality and mysticism since ancient times, often used to facilitate prayer, meditation, and altered states of consciousness. Its pervasive presence in both religious and secular rituals highlights its importance in creating an atmosphere conducive to spiritual experiences. This ancient tradition is reflected in literature, film, and religious practices, where incense is often a key element in the exploration of perception, mysticism, and the boundaries of human experience.
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